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  • Writer's pictureBrandi Nik Kilbourne

5 Sugar Substitutes: Sweetness Without the Guilt!

For as long as I could remember, I’ve had what some people would describe as a “sweet tooth.” That is, I NEVER say “NO” to a dessert (especially if it’s my favorite Louisiana Creole Bread Pudding With Rum Sauce, yum)!

Anywho! As fun as dessert can be, there are some REAL DANGEROUS issues with overconsuming sugar. Not only can it jack up your metabolism, increase your risk for type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart diseases, and host of other health conditions, but it is also EXTREMELY addicting!

In today's health-conscious world, many of us are on a mission to find alternatives to refined sugar that still satisfy our sweet tooth. The good news is, there's a whole world of natural and artificial sugar substitutes out there waiting to be explored. Let’s explore some sweet alternatives:

1. Stevia: Nature's Sweet Secret

Stevia is a natural, calorie-free sweetener that comes straight from the arms of Mother Nature. This little gem, derived from the stevia plant, offers an intense sweetness without adding any pesky calories to your waistline. You'll find it in liquid, powdered, and granulated forms, making it a versatile companion for your coffee, tea, or baked treats.

2. Monk Fruit Extract: A Taste of Southeast Asia

This little melon-like fruit gives us monk fruit extract, a natural sugar alternative that brings sweetness without the calorie overload. Picture yourself sprinkling a touch of this liquid or powdered goodness into your favorite recipes, from smoothies to cookies.

3. Erythritol: Calorie-Light and Digestion-Friendly

Erythritol is a sugar alcohol that is naturally occurring in fruits and fermented foods. As a lower-calorie alternative to table sugar, it won't send our blood sugar levels into a frenzy. It's kind to our waistlines and gentle on our tummies, making it an excellent choice for those with digestive sensitivities. Just remember, moderation is key. Consuming large amounts of this sugar substitute might lead to some digestive rumblings, and we don’t want any parts of that!

4. Xylitol: Sweet Smiles and Doggy Tales

Xylitol is another sugar alcohol that not only provides us with a sweetness reminiscent of our beloved sugar, but it also offers dental benefits. Yes, you heard that right! Xylitol has been shown to inhibit the growth of mouth-dwelling bacteria. Now, here's a word of caution: xylitol can be toxic to dogs, so be mindful of that if you have one.

5. Coconut Sugar: A Tropical Sweet Escape

Last but not least is coconut sugar. Derived from the sap of the coconut palm, this natural sweetener retains the nutrients found in coconuts, giving it an extra boost of potassium, iron, and zinc. Imagine the rich, caramel-like flavor enhancing your favorite recipes, from decadent desserts to morning oats. Remember, though, coconut sugar is still sugar. So, let's savor it in moderation as we soak up the tropical vibes.

These sweet alternatives can be easily found in health food stores, online retailers, local supermarkets, and at farmer’s markets.

Just so that we’re clear, the “bad sugar” goes by a few different names. If you see “refined white sugar”, “high fructose corn syrup”, artificial sweeteners like “aspartame”, “saccharin”, or “sucralose”, or even “agave nectar” (which is highly processed and contains high levels of fructose, which can have a similar impact on blood sugar levels as regular sugar) –RUN WITH THE QUICKNESS! These sugars are bad news.

~ Coach Brandi Nik


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