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  • Writer's pictureBrandi Nik Kilbourne


I remember the day I told my friends, “I’m going to only eat when the sun is out.” They looked at me like I had 3 heads. “Why would anybody want to do that?” At the time I had a really good reason. You see, I was seeking to be more in tune with my circadian rhythms in order to help naturally balance my hormones. A gal is getting older and I am starting to experience hormonal changes that I hadn’t dealt with up until that point. Plus, I had a women’s health blood test that let me know it was time to pay attention to my hormones and healthy aging. And you know what? I actually felt EXTREMELY good while on this eating schedule (that is until daylight savings time hit and sunset came at 4:30 pm…then I stopped lol). Because…why torture myself like that?

Anyways…enter “chrono-nutrition”! What the heck is that? Well…It's a nutritional approach that takes into account our body's natural circadian rhythms and recommends eating certain foods at specific times of the day. If you are someone who loves optimizing their health, I think it’s definitely worth giving a try!

So, let's dive in. The science of chrono-nutrition believes that our metabolism and energy needs vary throughout the day. For example, we burn calories more efficiently in the morning and slow down in the evening. Therefore, it suggests that we consume a higher proportion of carbohydrates and proteins in the morning and reduce our carbohydrate intake in the evening. This could be a breakfast of oatmeal and boiled eggs, black beans and rice, or even shrimp and grits, for example. And for dinner, a bowl of soup and a salad might do the trick!

The idea behind chrono-nutrition is to optimize our digestion, metabolism, and overall health by eating the right foods at the right times. It also emphasizes the importance of having a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. On the flip side, it suggests that we avoid processed foods, sugar, and caffeine, especially in the evening, as these can disrupt our sleep and metabolism.

Research has shown that meal timing can have a significant impact on our health. For example, skipping breakfast or having a high-calorie meal in the evening has been linked to an increased risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, having a larger breakfast and a smaller dinner has been associated with improved weight loss and better metabolic health. And if you’re wondering when’s a good time to eat your last meal of the day? 1-2 hours before your bedtime.

If you're interested in trying chrono-nutrition, here are some tips to get started:

  1. Have a balanced breakfast that includes protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats within an hour of waking up.

  2. Enjoy a moderate lunch that includes complex carbohydrates and lean proteins.

  3. Indulge in a smaller, lighter dinner that's low in carbohydrates and high in protein.

  4. Avoid snacking after your last meal.

  5. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day and limiting caffeine and alcohol consumption, especially in the evening.

  6. Consider qualifying for our Grow Healthier Plan so our coaches can help develop a meal plan that works best for you (click HERE to schedule your COMPLEMENTARY call with our coaches & mentors).

Remember, chrono-nutrition is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It's essential to listen to your body, follow your individual needs, and make changes gradually. Before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle, it's always a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional.

Three Things I LOVE about the chrono-nutrition approach:

  1. Personalized approach: Chrono-nutrition recognizes that everyone's body has unique needs and works differently. Therefore, it provides a personalized approach to nutrition that takes into account your biological rhythm, metabolic rate, and lifestyle factors, which can help you achieve better health outcomes.

  2. Focus on balanced diet: Chrono-nutrition emphasizes the importance of consuming a balanced diet that includes a variety of whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. This approach ensures that individuals get all the essential nutrients they need to maintain optimal health.

  3. Scientifically-backed: Chrono-nutrition is supported by scientific research that suggests that our metabolism and energy needs vary throughout the day. By eating the right foods at the right times, we can optimize our digestion, metabolism, and energy levels, and reduce our risk of chronic and lifestyle related diseases.

So, why not give it a try? You never know; it might be the missing piece of the puzzle to your overall health and wellbeing.

Cheers to a happy and healthy life!

~ Coach Brandi Nik


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